About this Blog

The ‘Copyright and Creators’ blog aims to discuss copyright issues with a focus on creators and their day to day creative practice. The blog will also provide information about two research projects that are under way at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh and led by Dr Smita Kheria, as part of the research programme of CREATe.

Blog Contributors

Dr Smita Kheria: Smita is a Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh, an associate of SCRIPT Centre and a member of CREATe.

Mr Andrew Black: Andrew was a Research Assistant for the CREATe research project on Individual Creators (2013-2014).

Ms Nevena Kostova: Nevena is a doctoral candidate at the University of Edinburgh exploring the relationship between copyright, creators’ organisations and business models as part of the CREATe Research Project on Creators’ Organisations (2013 – 2016).

The blog has also had contributions from guest bloggers whose research interests intersect with the core themes of copyright and creators. The following doctoral and post-doctoral researchers at the University of Edinburgh have, so far, made contributions:

Evgenia Kanellopoulou: Evgenia is a doctoral candidate at the University of Edinburgh conducting research into ‘New Business Models for the Music Industries: the new role of Copyright in Relevant Markets for music’.

David Komuves: David is a doctoral candidate at the University of Edinburgh conducting research into ‘Making Sense of e-Discovery: Computer-Assisted Approaches to Digital Evidence Interpretation and Evaluation’.

Jesus Manuel Niebla Zatarain: Jesus is a doctoral candidate at the University of Edinburgh conducting research into “The use of Intelligent Agents to Protect Copyright on the Internet”.

Dr. Chen Wei Zhu: Chen Wei is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) at the University of Edinburgh.